Colour cast and white balance
There are two parts to this exercise, for the first part
I have to choose a scene or a subject to photograph in different outdoor
lighting situations and use my white balance function on my camera, to change
the image by changing the white balance. The different outdoor lighting situations
are as follows;-
Open shade on a sunny day
I then have to use the following white balances;-
1; Sunlight
Auto Cloudy
Shade Sunny
All taken with; 1/200
seconds at f/9.0
The notable difference in these images, is the brickwork colour
of the building, with the Auto setting the church looks considerably ‘cooler’
than the other images. With the cloudy and shade images, there is much more of
a ‘warmth’ to the building, however, it makes the sky look almost dirty, rather
than the bright blue colour that it was.
Out of these images, I prefer the sunny white balance.
All taken with; 1/100
seconds at f/3.5
As with all of the images, in this part of the exercise,
I think the cloudy and shade images look considerably different and that’s not to
say that they look better or worse than any other setting, it’s merely a matter
of preference.
With regards to the second set of images, as you can see,
the white of the snow drops are the major difference here, although, the green
areas are also affected but the whole image in the shade picture has more of a,
what I would call, 70’s feel.
I think due to this reason; my favourite image is the
shade image, although I do really like the Auto setting as well
3; Open shade
on a sunny day
Auto Cloudy
Shade Sunny
All taken with; 1/125
seconds at f/9.0
With regards to these images, I had to pay this guy to
stay still!, as they say, money talks!.
On comparison with the first two sets of images, I feel
the best images are actually the cloud and shade images, the light is not as
bright and overbearing, you can also see the detail of him and he looks a lot
softer is those sets of white balance.
favourite in these sets of images is the cloudy picture , as his skin doesn’t
seem to change as much as it has in the shade image, but it still softens the
light so it’s not as over exposed.
For the second part of this exercise, I have to shoot
three versions of white balance, which are;-
But using the same image, indoors at dusk, by having the camera inside, looking out.
It’s extremely interesting how the white balance in this
set of images, drastically effect the picture and it is apparent how important
the white balance function is on your camera. The sunny image is dreadfully
orange due to the different Kelvin’s that it is trying to use to process the
The best image in this set is the Tungsten image, for
obvious reasons!.
These exercises has taking me deeper in to using white balance, when and how with the different conditions that happen and will use it as part of my photographic process.
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