DPP-Assignment Four; Corrections

Assignment - Four – Corrections

The following are the corrections I have made in response to my tutors feedback and I have amended the final image accordingly;


My tutor thought that the writing wasn’t bold enough in the bottom section of the image, so I wrote the text again in white and wrote over the original, I tried it with the half writing (as above) and also with it fully written over in white and found that the writing worked better with half black and half white, as the white writing didn’t stand out as well on the red of the cocktail.

She also thought that the explosion wasn’t prominent enough, so I used my spatter brushes and picked the red colour from the strawberry to make more of an impact, the significance of the black shape was actually to show the background behind to make it look like an actual explosion, so it is not a shape as such, but more of a moulding of the back and foreground.

The purpose of the dripping of the strawberry was that the juices of the strawberry were leaking down the strawberry from the explosion.

The reason why I chose an explosion was to illustrate that there may be something bad in fruit and it’s not always necessarily good for you, so to explode the truth, as it were, or to say that there may be something bad inside as explosions are not always a good thing.
With regards to making a point about the fruit itself, it is exactly what it says at the bottom of the photo. I looked in to articles surrounding this and I wanted to pose a poignant question as people regard all fruit as good and the calorie content that is linked with it. I knew this would be intriguing and aimed at women who diet specifically. Here are some of the links I looked at with regards to this;-

She also want me to reference a bit more to include specific details about each website and book used for this and every future assignment, which I have done below;-

Books used for this assignment;
  • Photo truth or Photo fiction?: Ethics and Media Imagery in the Digital Age by Thomas H. Wheeler (An interesting look in to manipulation through history and how it differs from today) – It talked about photos throughout history and how the process of “daguerreotype” started and how we have been able to manipulate the image in the present day, which relates to this assignment.
  • Portrait of a Young Girl by Mark Niemann-Ross (Rather than a book on direct fact, this is a fictional story of how Photoshopping and the ethics behind it effect the main character of the story, I used this to see if my perception on editing would be altered/influenced in a different way)-I think I have been specific enough with regards to this book.

  • Faking it: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop (Metropolitan Museum of Art) by Mia Fineman (This is an interesting one, showing how many images were manipulated before Photoshop, in general and the Media, how they did it and the images that were used) – This book is linked directly to the exhibition in New York, it talks about the photographs in the early days, with technical notes in the back and throughout teamed with the images and how they were produced.
Websites used for this assignment;
http://nocroppingzone.blogspot.co.uk/2007/11/ansel-adams-excuse.html - (An interesting view on manipulation) - This was to look at someone else’s view on manipulation with regards to my photographic hero!, Ansel Adams.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photo_manipulation - (To gain more factual information and images on manipulation) – I used this to look at images throughout history, the main uses for manipulation and the ethical ramifications when manipulated images are used tin photo journalism. 

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