DPP-Assignment One; Feedback

Overall Comments

Well done for completing your first assignment. It is lovely to see you working well on the course.

Assessment potential
Formal Assessment: You may want to get credit for your hard work and achievements with the OCA by formally submitting your work for assessment at the end of the module. More and more people are taking the idea of lifelong learning seriously by submitting their work for assessment but it is entirely up to you. We are just as keen to support you whether you study for pleasure or to gain qualifications.  Please consider whether you want to put your work forward for assessment and let me know your decision when you submit assignment 2.  I can then give you feedback on how well your work meets the assessment requirements.


Feedback on the assignment

Elements to consider with your assignments:

This assignment is about the workflow as much as it is about the photography itself. For the assignment there should be a strong awareness of time scales and management of the process. Images should be in keeping with the brief of the assignment, and should fit within the theme. Your understanding and communication on these points is also of key importance. 

Your assignment in connection with the above points

Workflow - Planning

Your workflow is appropriate for this assignment and the individual steps have been clearly thought about. You have included the equipment that you intend to use and this is very useful as a point of reference before setting out on your shoot. Including a lens cleaning kit as part of your pre-shoot procedure is a good idea and this could be included as part of the steps that you take – ensuring that all lenses and camera equipment are clean and fit for purpose.

You have chosen to photograph a Christmas Eve carol concert for this task, photographing the church in candle light and generally difficult lighting conditions. Within your work plan you have clearly demonstrated a good level of understanding of the challenges that you were likely to meet producing your images, and have taken appropriate test shots ahead of time to ensure that you achieve the desired result.

The images you have chosen work well together to show good coverage of the event. There is a logical progression to the pictures which sit comfortably together and flow through from beginning of the story to the end. The opening picture of the church at dusk sets the scene nicely and the close up detail of the candles helps to give an understanding of the atmosphere of the occasion.  The close up shot of candle and carol sheet adds a nice creative touch and is captured with good detail. You have demonstrated good use of techniques through the set. The good depth of field is nice to see on image five, where you show us the congregation in a wide angle shot. Image six is a little soft focus across the frame and it would be nice to see some clarity even if only on a small area of the frame. This is the only image where I would question the inclusion in the set, and as you have a large collection of shots to choose from, it may be that you wish to give this some thought. 

Workflow – Post-process
You could include the editing steps that you went through with your final choice of images.

Well done, this workflow is a good starting point for you and following a similar plan should help to keep you organized for future work.

Learning Logs
The purpose of a learning log is to help you to reflect on your own work and also give you the opportunity to explore, investigate and reflect on the work of other photographers. This may include looking at books and websites, visiting exhibitions, attending workshops etc. If you find examples of images that you like, do try and include them, and think about how the photographer may have achieved the result. The research area of your learning logs is an area to focus on before sending through your next assignment.

Pointers for the next assignment
The next assignment is concerned with quality and will give you the opportunity to think about the balance of light across the frame. You have given some consideration to this point here and I look forward to seeing your progression with the next assignment.

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