DPP-Assignment One; Corrections

Assignment One – Corrections

I have made the following corrections as to my tutor’s feedback.

Workflow; Planning
I included the cleaning equipment on my assignment, but for some reason, it was written and not on the flow chart, which was a bit silly of me!, so, I have now included it on my flowchart.

When initially choosing the original image, I thought that the candle in the right hand corner had some focus, however, this seems not to be the case, I think it’s always good when someone else can look at the images in a different light, as it were, due to me being too personally close to the image.

When taking the initial shot, I had it in my mind that the candle would be sharp as this is where I was focusing, however, I found it difficult to get the clarity, due to the lighting and depth of field I wanted to achieve.
Instead, I have decided to choose a different image to replace the original one, I still wanted the image of the organist, but decided to have the focus on his sheet music, hands and the keys.

Workflow; Post Process
I have included the decision I made, why and how for the post process;

Step four; - The first selects
The reason that I chose these images was because I wanted to tell a story of the evening, within the images, I also chose them as I feel they had the best potential to do so and they were the sharpest images out of the “The Selects”

Step five; - Final choice
The final choice of images was due to the strength of the images, I felt a connection to the church when I viewed them and would hope that it came through for other people, also, I feel it told the best story.
With regards to the editing process, I did minor adjustments with Photoshop and used the levels and curves to make my adjustments. I also did some cropping on the images.


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