log – DPP assignment 2; Seeing like your camera
“When people ask
me what equipment I use - I tell them, my eyes.”
“Everything has beauty, but not
everyone sees it.”
I realise with these quotes, there are no famous photographers
accredited to them, however, I feel they are completely relevant to this
Everything we see is a beautiful image and as they say-the
eyes are the windows to the soul, by turning this widely used saying in
reverse, it would be that your soul would be able to see out and I like to
think a camera in between your eyes and the beautiful scene is the window.
These quotations are extremely poignant and make you
realise how lucky we are to be able to see such beauty in the world and capture
it in a single moment, with equipment that the majority if us possess, however,
trying to make an image on a camera, in exactly the way that you see it proves
to be a lot more difficult, a camera just does not see what you see, even with
the high tech equipment. That does not mean to say it cannot be done, it just
needs a lot of practise and education on your equipment, to manipulate the
camera/image to your advantage.
My Thoughts
As I stated throughout my assignment I really struggled,
I think one of the factors were, I was not sure which situation to choose, then
it was trying to imaging a different picture for each situation and then, the actual
photography itself.
Don’t get me wrong, I am extremely pleased that I have
finally managed to finish this assignment and learn all of the specific techniques
to be able to take good quality images, which in turn lessens my
post-production, but I think I felt a lot of frustration throughout the whole process,
probably due to finding it a lot more difficult than the other assignments
As frustrated as I was, I did enjoy seeing the final
results, which defiantly made my stress all worthwhile!
Strengths on my
Composition has and a lot of the time, will be a strength
of mine, I think it’s evident in a lot of the images that I took, I am not
completely happy with all of them but I think they work well. Also, I have used
the highlight clipping to my advantage a lot of the time, to make the image as
close as possible as to how I saw it.
Weaknesses on
my assignment
On saying that I worked well by using the highlight
clipping, I struggled with the functions sometimes and took a lot of time to
get the image that I wanted to achieve, with regards to some of the images, I
feel the contrast could have been a lot stronger to achieve the high definition
results I wanted.
Some of my
research sources-Books, websites and documents
Mastering Digital Photography by Michael Freeman
The Photographer’s Eye; Composition and Design for
better Digital Photos by Michael Freeman
Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson
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