Exercise; Scene
dynamic range
After finding out my cameras dynamic range, with an idea
of what range of brightness my camera can cope with, I have to measure the
dynamic range of a variety of scenes, by taking five differently lit scenes and
measure the brightest and darkest areas , with the emphasis on the variety of
picture situations.
One of the images has to have a high dynamic range and
one scene has to be a low range image.
First image; Outside on a sunny day
1/125 seconds at f/7.1
This is the original image.
Dark areas: - 1/100
seconds at f/4.0
Light areas: - 1/500
seconds at f/22.0
1/60 seconds at f/5.6
This is the original image.
Dark areas: - 1/60
seconds at f/5.6
Light areas: - 1/100
seconds at f/22.0
1/200 seconds at f/5.6
This is the original image.
Dark areas: - 1/80
seconds at f/4.5
Light areas: - 1/200
seconds at f/20.0
1/60 seconds at f/3.5
This is the original image.
Dark areas: - 1/40
seconds at f/3.0
Light areas: - 1/100
seconds at f/19.0
Fifth image;
Outside on an overcast, cloudy day
1/200 seconds at f/9.0
This is the original image.
Dark areas: - 1/20
seconds at f/3.5
Light areas: - 1/10
seconds at f/10.0
As you can see, there are a myriad of different types of
lighting for these images, as you can see the fifth image is the low dynamic
image and the first image is the high dynamic image.
interesting the different combination and f-stops that are needed to create the
specific image and it was a challenge to get the image that I ultimately wanted
to achieve, but the images overall show
that my camera give good dynamic range, especially now that I know how to take
the images as specified in the previous exercises. I enjoyed taking these images by
experimenting with the highlight clipping and f stops.
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