DPP-Assignment Four; Feedback

Feedback on the assignment
Elements to consider with your assignments:
To complete this assignment you need to choose images that lend themselves to re-creation. You should be able to demonstrate strong involvement with the task, and an awareness of the level of imagination needed to achieve an interesting result.


Your assignment in connection with the above points:
You have worked with one image and text for this project in order to build up a message about how good for you a portion of fruit might be. In the process you have thought very hard about what you could do to transform this picture to achieve the desired outcome, working with various editing tools to enhance the finished picture. This has proved to be an interesting and fun task, giving you the opportunity to explore the use of the editing thoroughly.
I’m not sure about the content of the message itself and you have not been entirely clear in your working notes. What point are you making about the fruit itself? Could you support this point with some appropriate research and facts? You clearly have an interest and knowledge on the nutritional value of fruit but haven’t really elaborated on your viewpoint in your blog.

You have, however, provided a good set of details on how you have produced your finished image. This clearly demonstrates your strength in terms of editing software. What you could also do here, is to build up on the reasoning behind your choice of various aspects of the picture. Why an explosion for instance? On looking at the picture, I didn’t initially see this as an explosion. The black colour didn’t really fit with my own impression of an exploding strawberry and I did wonder what the signification of the black shape might be. You might think about adding a little more colour and authenticity to your explosion. What is the purpose of the dripping element of the strawberry? I’m sure there is significance that could be explained. The dripping works well though and does link with the idea of dripping paint.

By approaching these kinds of tasks as a ‘question that needs answering’, your images will become that much more personal and by this fact also more meaningful.

The supporting text has been selected with forethought and works very well with the subject matter and theme of the assignment although the dark text in the shadows is not quite as easy to read and further experimentation may have been helpful.

Summary/ Points to consider for the next assignment
The picture that you have produced here has enabled you to put your digital editing skills in to practice and to consider how you can use these in the process of creating your own visual messages. Although the use of editing software is very apparent in your end result, on this occasion, the tools can also be used in a very subtle manner to affect the way that an image is read. The next personal project may be an opportunity to explore this idea further.


Learning Logs
Although you are recording appropriate responses to exercises etc in your learning logs, I would like to see more engagement with research material. It isn’t really enough to just mention a book that you have used in connection with your work. You have started to do this with your comments on Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of Photoshop and this is definitely the way forward. You need to include specific details about each book/ website, pointing out the impact that this will have on your own practice. It is particularly important to build on this aspect of your work if you are planning on having the work formally assessed.

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