Project; A web
For some time now I have been meaning to start a web
gallery to sell my images, I have held off due to not having enough of a bank
of images to use, I still don’t really; however, this is exactly the push I
needed to get started.
I did a lot of research in to this as to how to do it and
what other people had done on their blogs, I noticed that you could do it for
free, however, I wasn’t impressed with the quality of those particular web
sites and as I want to sell professionally, I decided to register a domain
I had already chosen the name for my company ‘MEP
Photography’ so I wanted to use that name. On searching, it appeared that a lot
of them had already been taken, which was strange, because when I actually went
on to the domain names not a single one of them called their company ‘MEP
Photography’ which was quite frustrating, so I had to choose a .com address to
be able to get my website up and running.
With regards to the design, I decided to create it via
‘Bridge’ which is a program linked to Photoshop, now for the time being I
wanted to keep the design etc as simple as possible as I only have a small
amount of images, I will be changing this in the future to create an actual
website where I can properly sell my photographs, but for now simplicity seems
I decided to do a film strip on the side and have the
filmstrip images at a medium size so that you could see which ones you wanted
to click on, which also helps lend itself to not losing the size of the full
image, when you click on it.
I kept the background black, so to enhance each image and
again keep it simple, unfortunately the ‘Bridge’ function is a bit limited and
I couldn’t change the font or size of the text I incorporated, however, this
helped with the simplicity and navigating through the images is extremely easy.
This was an interesting project and I look forward to
maintaining /updating it in the future to generate a completely fully
functional gallery, I will update this on all of my blogs throughout the course.
Other galleries;
Whilst looking at the domain names I wanted to choose, it
was quite interesting how different each person’s gallery was.
One of the gallery’s was easy to navigate though with
large pictures and simple headers, I like the ‘Home’ button and there were
clear cut titles as to what you were looking at and where you could go to next.
A couple of others were difficult and didn’t make much
sense, with a mix of images that seemed to be randomly placed, it had titles,
but the site was unclear as to what it was offering, I didn’t know if it was
for her friends or for the general public.
quite logical and extremely organised, I feel that when my ‘actual’ web site is
up and running, it will be easy to look at and promoted in a way to market my
best images and services. I will also try and get people’s opinions with
regards to the functionality of the site, but an unbiased one from people who
will be honest with me.
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