Assignment Five; Personal
Object of assignment five
I have to apply all that I have learnt in this entire
course, in to this final assignment. I have to take around 10-12 photographs in
a subject of my choice and write a reflective account to accompany my images.
“Like all art,
photography creates its own reality. And the best photos are not those which
succinctly record what has been seen, but those which understand how to
structure this according to rules and laws specific to the genre.”
(From Icons of Photography, taken from the
book The Elements Of Photography - page xv)
I like this quote, I think it is a true and accurate account of what photography is all about and I believe this quotation relates to photography in general and specifically to this project, you can create the image you want, by using the tools you have to create something you want others to see.
Reflective account
This was quite a tough assignment, I wanted to choose
something that had a bit of oomph, as it were and to challenge myself, which I
try to as much as possible, as I believe we all have our comfort zone and I for
one would like to have a more diverse range of skills.
So, my first thought was to photograph areas around the
Thames, then on second thoughts, I realised that was Landscapes – again, and
something I needed to move away from, this thought was also followed by, the
City of London, Train Stations and Tube Stations, all of which I believe was
tied to Landscapes/Cityscapes in some way, so, I went in the opposite direction
and decided to do photography that was indoors, with my Macro lens and Kitchen
I chose this particular theme as I love Macro
photography, the detail, the different ways you can manipulate an image and how
you can bring something so small, to bigger than life proportions. I chose
kitchen objects, as whilst I was cooking one day not so long ago, I noticed how
unusual and oddly pretty my bottle stopper was, from there I thought about all
the other unusual things my kitchen had to offer, this is how I generated my
I wanted to take close up shots of small items and to
make some of them (not all) appear as something that they were not, I hope I
have achieved this as it was quite difficult to do and some of them are extreme.
I also wanted to, as the brief suggests, to incorporate elements from the
entire module in to the images, for example, using the last assignment, “Real
or fake?” I have composed one image to fit in with the theme of that assignment,
also I have used the Monochrome assignment as inspiration and so on and so
With regards to the theme I chose and the images I produced,
I am happy with the outcome as a whole, there are some images that I still have
my doubts about, as always, so I will look forward to my Tutors interpretation with
regards to this project.
I did stick to the brief that I finally chose, but I digressed
away from images I thought I wanted originally, when actually photographing the
Then on production
of the images, it was interesting, on making the image I thought “I want to
keep that one” then afterwards, I went back to images that I thought I did not
like and ended up using them for my final assignment.
As I said previously, I am extremely happy with my
collection, it was difficult at times, due to lighting, which is one of the most
important this in photography and I knew I had to get that right, in some of
the images, on reflection I would have manipulated the light slightly
differently and changed my White Balance before shooting some of the objects.
Also, I would have liked to have had more coloured items in the collection of
images, but a lot of my kitchen items are chrome.
With regards to what went well or not so well and the
question of technical problems/how I solved them, I will highlight this
question in each individual image, so to be more specific with each image and
the process I used to obtain the objective I wanted to achieve.
As I now live in London, it is a lot easier for me to go
and see exhibitions, of the ones I really want to see. I decided to go and see
the “Travel Photographer of the Year ” – TPOTY for short, which was shown at
the Royal Geographic Society I was particularly excited to go and see this
exhibition as it is one that I have entered last year and is mainly about landscapes
and more importantly, travel. Alas, with my competition entries, I got nowhere
that year, but I always love to see other peoples work and it was beautiful, it
always blows me away when a child under 14 can produce a thought provoking
Books used for this assignment
- The Elements Of Photography: Angela Faris Belt (This is a really interesting book, it contained artist’s portfolios with a statement and the process of how they achieved it, which I found intriguing, as each photographer seems to each have their own style. It also gives accounts of different techniques used)
- Mastering Canon EOS Flash Photography: NK Guy (This book is my god send!, I have always struggled with flash photography and had little knowledge with regards of how to take it out of the “P” mode on the speed light, this book gives a truly accurate account of how to use my speed light in the correct way to achieve the results I want)
- Light, Science & Magic: Fil Hunter, Steve Biver, Paul Fungua (Another god send, a perfect book that describes how light is used and how, as a photographer you can manipulate it to achieve your overall goal and how to photography certain types of materials that always seem to pose a problem, such as reflective items etc)
- The Photograph As Contemporary Art: Charlotte
Cotton (A collection of images from a myriad of
different artists, broken down in to seven categories, or themes as it were,
with the inspiration and motivation behind them )
on to the images of my project;
used a similar workflow as I did with my previous assignment to help me plan
out the items I needed, also the way I shot and edited my images, as with the previous
assignment, similarly to my last assignment, I tried test shots, however this
time, I did shots of my items at different times of the day, so to test the
lighting and I used my books to help me with this process.
1; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 – Egg Cup
this image, I wanted to get up close, so the viewer would have to take a second
look as to what the item is, I wanted to create high contrast and a ‘washed
out’ look as you see here, this image was a tricky one as I had to get the
flash just right. I tried using my speed light and it failed to perform, so I
then changed to my Marco flash that I had just purchased, so to create light
bouncing off of the sliver and gain the darkness in the areas as you see here.
I also wanted a shallow depth of field so the front of the egg cup would be in
focus and the back of it blurred.
2; 1/200 seconds at f/2.8 – Cocktail Umbrellas
wanted to generate a vibrant colour here, so I stacked all of the umbrellas on
top of each other and shot from the front of them, I tried this one a few
times, as it was difficult to get the vibrancy in this image. I wanted to get
the majority of the image in focus, even though I was using a low f-stop. I had to use a low f-stop to be able to get
the colour as to how I wanted it, as using a higher f-stop posed a bit of a
problem with regards to this.
3; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 – Cocktail Sticks
is one of my favourite images in my collection of this project, I love the way
the tips are really in focus and looking at this image, it is not entirely
clear as to what it is, I also love the detail of the sticks and the blurred
middle. When I first shot this, I wanted the edges to be blurred and the middle
to be sharp, however, when I did it like that, I liked the result but felt that
this one was better. I also used my Marco flash for this image, this image ties
is with the monochrome section of the module, so I purposefully shot it in black
and white.
4; 1/5 seconds at f2.8 – Cocktail Stirrer
5; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 - Fork
this image, I used my macro flash and had my camera on a tripod to steady it,
so to be able to focus on the tip of the fork. This image turned out exactly
how I imaged and wanted it too.
6; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 – Egg Timer
is not much to say about this particular image, I think it fits in with the
theme, however, there is not much I could do with it. I used my macro flash again
and a low f-stop as I just wanted to focus on the number, what is interesting,
is that I never noticed the ‘55’ had, what looks like strands of black ink
coming off of it, I like the clarity and depth of field in the image.
7; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 - Corkscrew
one I had difficulty with, however, I am pleased with the final result. I tried
this in a multitude of different ways, with the whole bottle opener, just the side,
just the knife of the opener, etc, etc. In the end, I felt this photograph was
the most effective as it looks like the corkscrew is infinite.
8; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 – Bag Clips
image was inspired by the “Real or fake?” section of the module. I only had a
few clips, so I took one image with a few scattered around, then I took
photographs of all the clips individually. On Photoshop I created a new
background and using the ‘Quick selection tool’ I outlined all of the
individual clips and copy and paste them to the new background, sometimes
rotating them and placing them in to different positions. I then saved that and
brought up the image of the many clips, used the tool again to eliminate the
white card behind and copied and paste it on to the background that I had
created. I was a bit sceptical as to how this would turn out but overall I’m
happy with it.
9; 1/15 seconds at f/2.8 – Egg Cup
before, this was inspired by another assignment in this module, I decided to
use the “Dappled light” thought as I liked the effect. To get this image I used
natural light and a slightly blue tinted light source. I had to do this on the
floor to be able to get the light I wanted and directionality. I like the sepia
and blue tint in this image, I also like how the dappled light is not strong
and how it looks like a glass of water, with the light shining through it.
Initially I wanted strong dappled light, with no tint, however on trying it, it
did not look good, quite plain and boring, so I opted to tint the light and
make more of a ‘dream’ effect.
10; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 – Bottle Stopper
This is an image I did not expect to use, but overall, it was the best one in the end. This is inspired from one of the assignments in this module “Reflective”. In the beginning I was thinking about just shooting this without anything in front of it and just using my room to soak up the reflection. Then when taking that photograph, it looked awful, so I played around with the composition a bit and ended up putting my big mirror in front of it. I am happy with the result as the reflection is very strong, I also left a lot of space on the right hand side as I wanted to viewer it feel as though the mirror was there and give more of a perspective in the reflection.
11; 1/60 seconds at f/2.8 – Chocolate Grater
This image is a bit of flop really, the grater is actually tiny, but it looks like it could be massive in this image. I tried to shoot through the wholes of the grater, however, it looked awful, I then tried turning it on its side and shoot from the bottom up, again, it did not look good, so I opted for the shallow depth of field but focused on the back rather than the front.
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