Monday, 29 July 2013

DPP-Assignment Four; Learning Log

Learning log – DPP assignment 4; Real or fake

“One day PHOTOGRAPHY will become Photoshopy…..ORIGINALITY may disappear”

(Lakshman Iyer)

I decided to show two different quotes with regards to this Log, the first being a distain for Photoshop. This quote comes from a photographer who believes that Photoshop is used too much and to a degree, I agree with this. Although I have said in my assignment and exercises that manipulation is acceptable, I do also believe that you cannot beat a true image from a different perspective. However, I think we need both and with regards to the photography I like to take, which is landscapes, it is a preference with my images, that I make an image as good as I can through the lens, to capture the truest sense of the feeling within the photograph, on the other hand….

“I use Photoshop CS3 and Nik Efex…because a great picture of an ugly woman…is still an ugly woman”

(Mike Murillo)

With regards to this quote, which is not by a photographer and instead a race car driver, I also agree with this one, Photoshop is needed for the post production of the image and the image can still be the same, however, as I have previously stated, we do need completely manipulated images, as per the images that are used in advertising or artistry to enhance or coheres the photograph, to ensure the viewer is understanding the message behind it, as per the image below.


I have no idea who this image is by, I tried to find out, but it was seemingly impossible!. I do know that this image is for an advertisement and it was only titled ‘Feet’, but I have no idea for which company and as there was no script to go with it, I had to make up my own mind as to what it was trying to say.  Looking at this image I instantaneously thought, it is about the footprint of destruction that humans have on the planet and in turn effects global warming. This is what I mean by manipulating an image to make the viewer see what you want them to see.

My Thoughts
This assignment was fun; it was interesting learning about the different tools in Photoshop and what you could do to create the desired result. I had to use my Adobe Photoshop instruction manual and I also needed help from other websites with the brush tools but I am happy with the desired result, it has also been good to think outside the box and explore a different thought process with regards to this controversial subject.

Strengths on my assignment
The strength on my assignment was; with regards to the final photograph, I had a specific image in my head and this was replicated exactly how I saw it. I am really happy with the end result and put a lot of time and effort in to achieving the goal that I wanted to achieve.

Weaknesses on my assignment
Was firstly the time it took me to get the desired result, secondly, it was the different mistakes I made initially to try and achieve the results I wanted, although, if you look at it in a different way, that could be a strength as I did not give up trying different techniques. I may still also like to make it look a bit more professional; however, my weakness is not knowing how to do that.

Some of my research sources-Books, websites and documents
  • Photo truth or Photo fiction?: Ethics and Media Imagery in the Digital Age by Thomas H. Wheeler (An interesting look in to manipulation through history and how it differs from today)
  • Portrait of a Young Girl by Mark Niemann-Ross (Rather than a book on direct fact, this is a fictional story of how Photoshopping and the ethics behind it effect the main character of the story, I used this to see if my perception on editing would be altered/influenced in a different way)
  • Faking it: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop (Metropolitan Museum of Art) by Mia Fineman (This is an interesting one, showing how many images were manipulated before Photoshop, in general and the Media, how they did it and the images that were used
  • - (To find definition)
  • - (An interesting view on manipulation)
  • - (To gain more factual information and images on manipulation)


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