Wednesday, 27 March 2013

DPP-Part 3; Exercise 8

Exercise; Colours in to tones 2

The objective of this exercise is to practically use the channel sliders in Photoshop raw in the black and white section, to generate an image in one of the following subjects;-

·         A landscape in which you emphasis the depth by strengthening the visual effect of haze
·         A portrait in which you lighten the complexion without significantly altering the tones of the rest of the image
·         A picture of a garden in which the green vegetation appears light in tone

The subject I chose (which isn’t a surprise!) was the landscape subject, I then have to show a black and white default image that the software choose for me and then I have to generate my own image, with the channel sliders to create a haze.

I choose an image which had a slight bit of haze in it, to see if I could accentuate it, here is the original image.

This is the default image that Photoshop produced;-
In my opinion, it doesn’t really “Pop” for me, the dark is quite dark in the wrong areas and the sun is too bright, the haze is still there but it’s not exaggerated enough for me.

This is the image that I adjusted;-
To create more hazing the image, I wanted to accentuate the sun and darken the sky, so to be able to see more of the rays of the sun.  To accomplish this I did the following;-

Channel sliders darkened

Channels sliders lightened

I darkened the yellows to quash the intensity of the yellow light slightly and also slightly darken the foreground and I lightened all of the other channels to enhance the haze, without it being too false or overbearing.
I think the Photoshop software dose a good job, but if you want to get an image to your specifications, the channel sliders are extremely useful , I believe that if I didn’t have them, I wouldn’t have been able to achieve the look I wanted/needed to get the end result. It shows that there are tonal ranges in every image, including black and white.

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