Wednesday, 27 March 2013

DPP-Part 3; Exercise 4

Exercise; Interpretative processing

This exercise is to make different interpretations for a creative purpose, I have to create three different versions of the same image.

Here is the Original image;- 

For the first image, I decided to go with the “norm” of black and white, I thought it would be good as when I was taking this photo, I imagined it in black and white, mainly because it’s quite a high dynamic image with a lot of contrast.
So as the directive suggests…get creative!, I used the filter settings on Photoshop and chose the chrome filter, after selecting this filter, I had to adjust the brightness of the image to make it look like there was a shine in the picture. I chose this filter as I thought the image worked well on black and white, so I thought I would test this filter.

 Another one from the filter range!, I used the stained glass one this time. After using it I felt there was no adjustment needed as it was quite effective.
Now I know there was only supposed to be three images, but I was having a lot of fun experimenting, I decided to do a fourth!.  For this image I used a lot of the colour filters of the hue and saturation, selective colour etc.  I wanted to achieve a really explosive unnatural colour combination that was warm and vibrant.

I think all of these images work really well, it also helps that I am very happy with the original image, I enjoyed this exercise and could have probably kept going!.


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